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Friday 29 April 2016


Seraya Village-Karangasem Bali

Drought at that time, in the village of Karangasem As yet expired. Rain-awaited yet to show signs of going down. For the people of the village of Seraya, Karangsem this condition is not very good.Many also want to feel the rain while their lands are in arid regions. Especially for those who work as farmers.
From the village Paruman, idea to re-execute rituals invoke rain in their villages namely Gebug Ende.Is it Gebug Ende is also known as Gebus Seraya. Chances are, to remember the unique villages that while ini.Gebud Ende played only by men both adults and children.
Gebug ende comes from the word and ende.

Gebug means it is hit and the tool used is rattan with a length of about 1.5 to 2 meters. While the tool to deflect called premises Ende. Ende made of cowhide dried subsequently woven circular.
Narrated Antiquity village manners as he is a warrior King of Karangasem who was assigned to "menggebug" or attacking Lombok. After days of soul and spirit of the knight empire while still burning today. Adjusted changing times it creates a dance Gebug Ende hereditary can we see today. Spear Sword and shield are used ancient equipment was replaced with rattan and Ende. As can be seen that evening at 15.00 in the field since Merajan, While the West has packed the area of the village square to watch closely this game that test your nerve. Children to adults looking revelers waiting games or this. Interestingly these attractions provide to make the audience was from outside the village came meramaikannya.
Gebug Ende area can be determined anywhere as long as the terrain is flat. There is no definitive measure to determine this area degan adjusted acreage conditions saja.Sementara To maintain the security of players from the audience's insistence pembatasa field is limited by the offerings tali.Para interpreter was performing a ritual blessing for games or application it ende gebug can give you success and prosperity for manners while.
Once the game finally completed the preparation was immediately performed. opening begins with a welcome for the players and spectators. In addition to briefing for players ituterselip also separately always puts honesty and sportsmanship. Tetabuhan voice graced the game. A referee who is called I (read: saye) Leading the match. Uals who have the task to oversee the game.
Before the game began to saye (the referee) was first demonstrated gebug ende dance and the part can not be subjected to blows.7

In the middle of the field there is a cane is used as a boundary line that divides the field into two parts. The first time beginning with the children. There does not appear to fear the little body. Ende and Rattan even danced. Boisterous spectators to encourage them to play it.
You can imagine how sick rattan whip marks when scratched on the body. After groups of children, adult men's turn came. There was no difference regarding the procedure for this ende gebug game. There was only the hard punches and blocks. Rotanpun menghujam parry of the opponent's body but also the stronger Tamiang. Parry punches and going very fast. 
Cheering spectators are increasingly encouraged conscience. Saye here watching the game should be alert to immediately intervene pemain.Nah .. Seraya village manners in addition to other interested citizens can be a player.

It is believed it will rain when the game is able memercikan blood. There is no specific time to determine the completion of this game. But the game was over when one player can be pushed. According Bendesa Pekraman Seraya, in addition to preserving the tradition of hereditary gebug ende is a dance of joy of the villagers as he aims to appeal to the Creator of this rain. Besides sporting element is emphasized in these games or the physical strength to perform punches and tangkisa. As a traditional game Gebug ende known to foreign tourists. Its preservation must be done in synergy. (By Rai Parwati)

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