Om Swastyastu, Selamat Datang Di Blog Bli Bali Melali, Semoga Bermanfaat Saat Anda Melali Di Bali. Selamat Melali-Melali.

Friday 29 April 2016




Omed-omedan, also known as 'The Kissing Ritual', is a ceremony held by the young people of Banjar Kaja Sesetan, Denpasar, Bali. It derived from the Balinese language means pull-pull. It originates from a fight between a male and female pig and represents the push and pull of positive and negative elements.


Seraya Village-Karangasem Bali

Drought at that time, in the village of Karangasem As yet expired. Rain-awaited yet to show signs of going down. For the people of the village of Seraya, Karangsem this condition is not very good.Many also want to feel the rain while their lands are in arid regions. Especially for those who work as farmers.
From the village Paruman, idea to re-execute rituals invoke rain in their villages namely Gebug Ende.Is it Gebug Ende is also known as Gebus Seraya. Chances are, to remember the unique villages that while ini.Gebud Ende played only by men both adults and children.
Gebug ende comes from the word and ende.

Gebug means it is hit and the tool used is rattan with a length of about 1.5 to 2 meters. While the tool to deflect called premises Ende. Ende made of cowhide dried subsequently woven circular.
Narrated Antiquity village manners as he is a warrior King of Karangasem who was assigned to "menggebug" or attacking Lombok. After days of soul and spirit of the knight empire while still burning today. Adjusted changing times it creates a dance Gebug Ende hereditary can we see today. Spear Sword and shield are used ancient equipment was replaced with rattan and Ende. As can be seen that evening at 15.00 in the field since Merajan, While the West has packed the area of the village square to watch closely this game that test your nerve. Children to adults looking revelers waiting games or this. Interestingly these attractions provide to make the audience was from outside the village came meramaikannya.
Gebug Ende area can be determined anywhere as long as the terrain is flat. There is no definitive measure to determine this area degan adjusted acreage conditions saja.Sementara To maintain the security of players from the audience's insistence pembatasa field is limited by the offerings tali.Para interpreter was performing a ritual blessing for games or application it ende gebug can give you success and prosperity for manners while.
Once the game finally completed the preparation was immediately performed. opening begins with a welcome for the players and spectators. In addition to briefing for players ituterselip also separately always puts honesty and sportsmanship. Tetabuhan voice graced the game. A referee who is called I (read: saye) Leading the match. Uals who have the task to oversee the game.
Before the game began to saye (the referee) was first demonstrated gebug ende dance and the part can not be subjected to blows.7

In the middle of the field there is a cane is used as a boundary line that divides the field into two parts. The first time beginning with the children. There does not appear to fear the little body. Ende and Rattan even danced. Boisterous spectators to encourage them to play it.
You can imagine how sick rattan whip marks when scratched on the body. After groups of children, adult men's turn came. There was no difference regarding the procedure for this ende gebug game. There was only the hard punches and blocks. Rotanpun menghujam parry of the opponent's body but also the stronger Tamiang. Parry punches and going very fast. 
Cheering spectators are increasingly encouraged conscience. Saye here watching the game should be alert to immediately intervene pemain.Nah .. Seraya village manners in addition to other interested citizens can be a player.

It is believed it will rain when the game is able memercikan blood. There is no specific time to determine the completion of this game. But the game was over when one player can be pushed. According Bendesa Pekraman Seraya, in addition to preserving the tradition of hereditary gebug ende is a dance of joy of the villagers as he aims to appeal to the Creator of this rain. Besides sporting element is emphasized in these games or the physical strength to perform punches and tangkisa. As a traditional game Gebug ende known to foreign tourists. Its preservation must be done in synergy. (By Rai Parwati)


Tenganan Village - Karangasem Bali

Pandanus war is a tradition in the village of Tenganan,located in Bali, which is part of Indonesia. Pandanus war is conducted in honor of Lord Indra who is known by the Tenganan community as the protector of their village. Lord Indra is the God of war in the Balinese belief system. The name Pandanus waris taken from the war armaments that were used, in this case a thorny pandanus branch. Each participant battles each other until hurt. People who engage in this tradition wear traditional clothes and are often shirtless. In addition to using a pandanus, participants also use a shield as a means of protection. The tradition of Pandanus war was first used in the surrounding villages for protection against



Thursday 28 April 2016


In the folklore of Bali, the Leyak (in Indonesian, people called it 'Leak' ) (le-ak)—the Y is not written or spoken) is a mythological figure in the form of flying head with entrails (heart, lung, liver, etc.) still attached. Leyak is said to fly trying to find a pregnant woman in order to suck her baby's blood or a newborn child. There are three legendary Leyak, two females and one male.

Leyaks are humans who are practicing black magic and have cannibalistic behavior. Their
mistress is the "queen of Leyak", a widow-witch named Rangda, who plays a prominent role in public rituals. Her mask is kept in the village death temple and during her temple festivals, she is paraded. Besides leyaks, demons are said to be the followers of Rangda.
Leyak are said to haunt graveyards, feed on corpses, have power to change themselves into animals, such as pigs, and fly. In normal Leyak form, they are said to have an unusually long tongue and large fangs. In daylight they appear as an ordinary human, but at night their head and entrails break loose from their body and fly. Leyak statues (a head with a very long tongue and sharp fangs) are sometimes hung on a wall for house decoration.

In practice, Balinese people sometimes attribute certain illness or deaths to leyaks. A balian (Balinese traditional healer) will conduct a seance to identify with witchcraft who is responsible for the death. During the seance, the spirit of the dead will directly or indirectly point to his/her attacker. However, vengeance by the victim's relatives or family is usually counseled against, and people are advised to leave any action to the spirits themselves. Hence, the suspicions and fears of the family and relatives are confirmed, but revenge upon the witch is discouraged by the healers.

Modern adaptation
Leyak is a popular folk spirit that has been featured in some Indonesian horror movies such as Mystics in Bali —also known as Leák in Indonesia— a film made in 1981 starring Sofia W.D. as well as in the 2007 film Leak by Achiel Nasrun starring Aldiansyah Taher, Nadia Vega and Meriam Bellina.Leyak was fitured as the pictures attached symbolizing of evil or bad spirit.


Joged Bumbung
Joged is a style of dance from the Island of Bali. The term Joged or Joget is also a common word for dance in Indonesia. The dance is typically accompanied by a gamelan ensemble of bamboo instruments called a gamelan joged bumbung. Balinese Joged dance is not a religious and ritual one, it is social dance for entertainment purposes only. During a Joged performance, a single or several female dancers will perform and invited male audience to dance with them. The dance often involving erotic movements and teasing, ranged from humorous to seducement interactions between the dancers with their male counterpart. The dance is quite comparable with other Indonesian dance traditions; such as those of Javanese Ronggeng and Sundanese Jaipongan.
This dance is thought to have originated from the Buleleng area and has existed since the 1940s.  This dance was originally a social dance created by farmers to entertain when they were resting after working in the barn.  This dance is also widely liked by the community and has become an art group.  Joged Bumbung is a participatory dance, inviting the audience to dance together.  Danced by female dancers, who then look for male partners from the audience to dance with.  This joged bumbung dance has an agile and dynamic movement pattern and is performed with full improvisation from the dancers.

Competition causes dance groups to innovate in various ways, including incorporating the element of shaking and inviting the pengibing to dance and pull into the dance.  Usually there is a gamelan drum sound in the middle which indicates "pengibing" and the dancer is ready to make jokes, even if it is a bit of an erotic element.  This dance is usually accompanied by a musical set from bamboo.  In the midst of the increasingly erotic and widespread appearance of the Joged Bumbung dance on various social media, a number of dance groups are still exploring the joged bumbung dance, with the standard of classical Balinese joged dance that still prioritizes ethical values.
Gambelan Jogeg Bumbung is a set of gambelan used to accompany the Joged Bumbung dance.  Gambelan Joged Bumbung is also called Gambelan Gerantang, because the main instrument is Gerantang, which is a gender that is made of bamboo, shaped like bamboo and uses a 5 (five) tone slendro barrel.

Wednesday 27 April 2016


Silence Day

Nyepi is a Balinese "Day of Silence" that is commemorated every Isakawarsa (Saka new year) according to the Balinese calendar (in 2015, it fell on March 21). It is a Hindu celebration mainly celebrated in Bali, Indonesia. Nyepi, a public holiday in Indonesia, is a day of silence, fasting and meditation for the Balinese. The day following Nyepi is also celebrated as New Year's Day.
On this day, the youth of Bali practice the ceremony of Omed-omedan or 'The Kissing Ritual' to celebrate the new year. The same day celebrated in India as ugadi.

Observed from 6 a.m. until 6 a.m. the next morning, Nyepi is a day reserved for self-reflection, and as such, anything that might interfere with that purpose is restricted. The main restrictions are no lighting fires (and lights must be kept low); no working; no entertainment or pleasure; no traveling; and, for some, no talking or eating at all. The effect of these prohibitions is that Bali's usually bustling streets and roads are empty, there is little or no noise from TVs and radios, and few signs of activity are seen even inside homes. The only people to be seen outdoors are the Pecalang, traditional security men who patrol the streets to ensure the prohibitions are being followed.

Although Nyepi is primarily a Hindu holiday, non-Hindu residents and tourists are not exempt from the restrictions. Although they are free to do as they wish inside their hotels, no one is allowed onto the beaches or streets, and the only airport in Bali remains closed for the entire day. The only exceptions granted are for emergency vehicles responding to life-threatening conditions and women about to give birth.

On the day after Nyepi, known as Ngembak Geni, social activity picks up again quickly, as families and friends gather to ask forgiveness from one another, and to perform certain religious rituals together.

A deserted street at Nyepi.

Sanur Beach - deserted at Nyepi. Everything, except emergency services, closes down to observe a day of silence on Nyepi.

Tawur Kesanga, a ritual procession on the eve of Nyepi, celebrated a day before. The children carry flame torches, that lit bonfires to symbolically burn ogoh ogoh monster evil spirits.
First, The Melasti Ritual is performed 3–4 days beforehand. It is dedicated to Sanghyang Widhi Wasa. The ritual is performed in Pura (Balinese temple) near the sea (Pura Segara) and meant to purify Arca, Pratima, and Pralingga (sacred objects) belonging to several temples, also to acquire sacred water from the sea.
Second, The Bhuta Yajna Ritual is performed in order to vanquish the negative elements and create a balance with God, Mankind, and Nature. The ritual is also meant to appease Batara Kala by Pecaruan offering. Devout Hindu Balinese villages usually make ogoh-ogoh, demonic statues made of bamboo and paper symbolizing negative elements or malevolent spirits. After the ogoh-ogoh have been paraded around the village, the Ngrupuk ritual takes

place, which involves burning the ogoh-ogoh.
Third, the Nyepi Rituals are performed as follows:
Amati Geni: No fire or light, including no electricity
Amati Karya: No working
Amati Lelunganan: No travelling
Amati Lelanguan: Fasting and no revelry/self-entertainment
Fourth, the Yoga/Brata Ritual starts at 6:00 a.m. and continues to 6:00 a.m. the next day.
Fifth, the Ngembak Agni/Labuh Brata Ritual is performed for all Hindus to forgive each other and to welcome the new days to come.
Sixth and finally, The Dharma Shanti Rituals is performed after all the Nyepi rituals are finished.

Crown Fast Cruise

  CROWN FAST CRUISE Crown Fast Cruises Nusa Penida is an island southeast of Indonesia’s island Bali and a district of Klungkung Regency tha...