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Monday 16 July 2018

Rat Cremation Ceremony

Ngaben Bikul or Rat Cremation Ceremoney is one kind of ceremony Nangluk Mrana. This is described in the book of "Nangluk Mrana" by Tjokorda Raka Krisnu "Nangluk" means emblem, embankment, fence, or barrier and "mrana" means pest or disease. Mrana is a common term used to refer to the types of diseases that damage plants.

The purpose of Rat Cremation ceremony is to drive rodent pests. Besides that also to restore the spirit of rats that have died into its nature and if doomed to reborn it is no longer a pest destructive farmers.

Ngaben bikul contains the value of local wisdom and also the value of philosophy that concerns the important aspects of human life. The first one can be seen from the aspect of the environment, the implementation of Ngaben bikul is based on the Balinese people's view aims to clean the pests of plants and also eliminate the adverse effects of the niskala aspect, if we look further this tradition is certainly very helpful in maintaining the balance of paddy ecosystems, if the rat pest is not destroyed it will adversely affect the rice crop, so the rat population increases and the population of rice plants decreases. In addition, agriculture that tends to lead to the process of modernization such as the use of pesticides, whereas the use of pesticides to cope with pests such as mice is very dangerous. Because in addition to polluting the environment can also be a residue that can endanger the farmers themselves. So this tradition is one solution to prevent pest rodents without having to damage the environment and at the same time still maintain the ancestral tradition of Balinese society.

If viewed from the social aspect of Ngaben bikul tradition can improve the relationship between the community around the rice field area, for example can be seen from before the ceremony carried out by the community together to hunt the rats around their rice fields, then work together to make bade and means other ceremonies. This is of course very influential on the social life of society because between the community with each other occurs more interaction of daily life due to the implementation of this bikul Ngaben ceremony. In addition, people who are still carrying out this tradition will certainly involve their successors to participate in this upakara. So that later this tradition can be passed on from generation to generation.

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